Personal Fashion

Howdy! Here are some fun things I make to wear to nightclubs. Many of these are toiles or off-cuts from Feywish collections, or continuations of the methods explored therein.
First: This harness featured in Freight Train to Faerie. Although the rusted iron bridle bit is central to the original design, everyone keeps warning me about this thing called 'tetanus'. Myself, I do not mind the risk, and I wear it with the iron in some contexts, but I swap it out for stainless steel hardware for the clubs to keep other people safe. Hehe.

Second: I call this my Hellraiser look. This repurposes the chest piece of Pangaea's Drift; worn with chains like this, it acts as a binder. I've worn this with a few different lengths and sizes of chains, it is fun to configure it in different ways.

Third: Following Freight Train to Faerie, I had a lot of scrappy leftovers. I have been wanting to make a leather scraps top like this since seeing a 2021 exhibition of Jenny Bannister's work, specifically this 1979 shag top.

Fourth:This leather codpiece with iron horsehoe was made for one of my courses, and is presented as-and-alongside a manifesto. Key tenets are love, magic, history, care, indulgence, and dirt.

Fifth & Sixth:The next two pieces are experiments in rust-dyeing! I looked into this process during my work on Freight Train to Faerie, and have continued with it beyond that. I adore looking as if I've been run over by a minibike.

I like to draw hands and blood and faeries and vampires and robots. Click the artworks to see them at full size, with their delicious hard pixel edges. My most recent pieces are Through and Let's Deal in Trust. Some of my work features characters from a setting I call 'Fate-Strung', which you can read about in the Writing section.


I sometimes write poems, the quality varies, I am bashful about the whole thing, no matter. Below is Snap-heart, a mean bit of fun from December 2022. You can view a few collected works over on, among other things.

Writing & Fate-Strung

Although I do not share it anywhere, I have done a fair bit of writing for a setting I call Fate-Strung. This is where the majority of my cowboy, vampire, and faerie characters originate.

The central character is Virga, a twofold fey-touched fate-strung cowboy. He is presently cursed to follow the supernatural Hound Sky across an inescapable pocket of desert known as Darling's Playground...

Starring alongside Virga are a cast of faeries. This includes the isolated and murderous Canary Bloodlust, the bitchy Feylord Darling Witchblood, unambiguous schemer Rye of Stars, gentle ally Score of Curses, and torture-prone Jaspre the True.

This story also incorporates The Cactus Crew. Trapped in Darling's Playground, blessed and cursed by the Cactus God, they are essentially 'collateral damage'. Among them is Lark, a beloved character who I've had around for quite some time.

I've been writing stray snippets over the past couple of years, just to entertain myself. I was very surprised when an actual plot emerged. I have never been sure about sharing Fate-Strung, but it is very fun to work on.

My next step with this project is to research and build up the setting, and angle in some more sturdy and compelling characterizations, give it all more depth and richness.